تخطى إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
مختبر هندسة طرق 1
Exp. No.14 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 4
Introduction | وصف المساق والإعلانات
Textbook Reference | مرجعية الكتاب
Experiment No.1_Introduction
Exp. No.1 |Slides
Exp. No.1 |Online Explanation for Descriptive Statistics
Experiment No.2 |Getting to know Asphalt Materials
Exp. No.2 |Slides
Exp. No.2 |Online Explanation for asphalt behavior
Experiment No.3 | Softening point
Exp. No.3 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.3 |Slides
Exp. No.3 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.3 |Online Experiment Demonstration |1
Exp. No.3 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Experiment No.4 |Penetration Test
Exp. No.4 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.4 |Slides
Exp. No.4 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.4 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.4 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Experiment No.5 | Ductility
Exp. No.5 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.5 |Slides
Exp. No.5 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.5 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.5 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Experiment No.6 |Flash and Fire points
Exp. No.6 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.6 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.6 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Experiment No.7 Specific Gravity of asphalt
Exp. No.7 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.7 |Slides
Exp. No.7 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)
Experiment No.8 |Aggregate Blending
Exp. No.8 |Slides
Exp. No.8 |Aggregates specific gravity (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.8 |Design Aggregate structure for Project _Part 1(Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.8 |Design Aggregate structure for Project _Part 2 (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.8 |Design Aggregate structure for Project _Part 3 (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.8 |Online Experiment Demonstration |1
Exp. No.8 |Online Experiment Demonstration |2
Exp. No.8 |Online Experiment Demonstration |3
Exp. No.8 |Online Experiment Demonstration |4
Exp. No.8 |Online Experiment Demonstration |5
Experiment No.9 Asphalt Mixture preparation and compaction
Exp. No.9 |Slides
Exp. No.9 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.9 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Exp. No.9 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 3
Exp. No.9 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 4
Exp. No.9 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 5
Experiment No.10 Asphalt Mixture Bulk Specific Gravity (Gmb)
Exp. No.9 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.9 |Slides
Exp. No.10 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.10 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.10 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Exp. No.10 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 3
Exp. No.10 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 4
Experiment No.11 Asphalt Mixture Maximum Specific Gravity (Gmm)
Exp. No.11 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.11 |Slides
Exp. No.11 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.11 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.11 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Exp. No.11 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 3
Experiment No.12 Asphalt Mixture Stability and flow test
Exp. No.12 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.12 |Slides
Exp. No.12 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.12 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.12 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Experiment No.13 |Asphalt Mix design
Exp. No.13 |Slides
Exp. No.13 |Testing Standard Explanation | Part 1 (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.13 |Testing Standard Explanation | Part 2 (Lecture Recording)
Experiment No.14 Asphalt Mixtures Quality control
Exp. No.14 |Slides
Exp. No.14 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.14 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.14 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Exp. No.14 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 3
Exp. No.14 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 4
Exp. No.14 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 5
Exp. No.14 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 6
Experiment No.15 | AASHTO Soil Classification
Exp. No.15 |Slides
Exp. No.15 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.15 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)| Part 1
Exp. No.15 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)| Part 2
Exp. No.15 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.15 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Experiment No.16 CBR Test
Exp. No.16 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.16 |Slides
Exp. No.16 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.16 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.16 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Exp. No.16 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 3
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اسس الحسم الطرق 2023
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دعم طلبة غزة
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قائمة المساق
فتح فهرس المقرر
مساقات التعليم الجامعي
مختبر هندسة طرق 1
Exp. No.14 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 4
Exp. No.14 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 4
Exp. No.14 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 4
لفتح المورد.
Previous Activity
الانتقال إلى...
الانتقال إلى...
Exp. No.1 |Slides
Exp. No.1 |Online Explanation for Descriptive Statistics
Exp. No.2 |Slides
Exp. No.2 |Online Explanation for asphalt behavior
Exp. No.3 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.3 |Slides
Exp. No.3 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.3 |Online Experiment Demonstration |1
Exp. No.3 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Exp. No.4 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.4 |Slides
Exp. No.4 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.4 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.4 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Exp. No.5 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.5 |Slides
Exp. No.5 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.5 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.5 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Exp. No.6 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.6 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.6 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Exp. No.7 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.7 |Slides
Exp. No.7 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.8 |Slides
Exp. No.8 |Aggregates specific gravity (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.8 |Design Aggregate structure for Project _Part 1(Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.8 |Design Aggregate structure for Project _Part 2 (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.8 |Design Aggregate structure for Project _Part 3 (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.8 |Online Experiment Demonstration |1
Exp. No.8 |Online Experiment Demonstration |2
Exp. No.8 |Online Experiment Demonstration |3
Exp. No.8 |Online Experiment Demonstration |4
Exp. No.8 |Online Experiment Demonstration |5
Exp. No.9 |Slides
Exp. No.9 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.9 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Exp. No.9 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 3
Exp. No.9 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 4
Exp. No.9 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 5
Exp. No.9 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.9 |Slides
Exp. No.10 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.10 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.10 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Exp. No.10 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 3
Exp. No.10 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 4
Exp. No.11 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.11 |Slides
Exp. No.11 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.11 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.11 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Exp. No.11 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 3
Exp. No.12 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.12 |Slides
Exp. No.12 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.12 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.12 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Exp. No.13 |Slides
Exp. No.13 |Testing Standard Explanation | Part 1 (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.13 |Testing Standard Explanation | Part 2 (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.14 |Slides
Exp. No.14 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.14 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.14 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Exp. No.14 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 3
Exp. No.14 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 5
Exp. No.14 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 6
Exp. No.15 |Slides
Exp. No.15 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.15 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)| Part 1
Exp. No.15 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)| Part 2
Exp. No.15 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.15 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Exp. No.16 |Testing Standard
Exp. No.16 |Slides
Exp. No.16 |Testing Standard Explanation (Lecture Recording)
Exp. No.16 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 1
Exp. No.16 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 2
Exp. No.16 |Online Experiment Demonstration | 3
مواصفات الطرق الحضرية والقروية
المواصفات الاردنية
اسس الحسم الطرق 2023
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